Georgia College & State University Integrated Science Center
Project data
- Location Milledgeville, Georgia
- Size 45,000 SF
- Services MEP/F
- Client Cooper Carry, Inc.
- Photographer Brian Crumb Photography
About this project
An integrated science research and teaching complex supporting The Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences as well as spaces for The Chemistry Department. Spaces include 19,000 square feet of laboratory and lab support space, including flexible research and instructional labs. The facility also features imaging and microscopy suites, an autoclave room, botany research, a 200 square foot vivarium, tissue culture facilities, bacteriological support laboratories, a cold room, an electrophysiology laboratory, scanning electron microscope, confocal microscope, and shared research spaces. Each floor has a linear equipment room and the Third Floor houses flats for botany research. Additionally, the teaching and research labs feature walls of windows allowing visitors and students to see science-on-display. This project is pursuing Georgia Peach certification.